
100th Jubilee Update

Pictures from the Event

09-12-04 St. Peter Lithuanian Parish Centennial Jubilee Mass




What an extraordinary joy we feel today in celebrating the first 100 years in the life of St. Peter Lithuanian Parish. We honor the founding fathers of the parish. They were strong in faith and fidelity to Christ and His Church. Determined to worship God in the Lithuanian language that was closest to their heart, according to the religious customs of their parents and ancestors, they raised funds and built a church. No priest or bishop was involved. It was lay Catholic action of the highest kind.

We honor the thousands who grew up and received their religious and spiritual training in the parish from dedicated priests, religious sisters and lay teachers, and later in St. Peter School which reached a peak enrollment of 523 children in 1954. We honor the untold numbers of Lithuanian Displaced Persons who came as refugees after World War II. We honor young Lithuanian immigrants who now come to Greater Boston in search of opportunity for a new life. We honor each of you who today support our beloved parish and participate in guiding it into a new century of parish life.

Lithuania during its history as a Christian nation is distinguished for its courageous fidelity to Christ and His Church. Parishioners of St. Peter Parish have this same fidelity to Christ’s word. They have love and respect for our Holy Father the Pope. They have a strong adherence to the teachings of the Second Vatican Council.

For a century parishioners have lived in fidelity to Christ. When Jesus was asked by a Pharisee, which is the greatest commandment? he replied, Love God, love your neighbor as yourself. “On these two commandments the whole law is based and the prophets as well.” (Mt 22, 32-40) This is the divine law of Christ. Parishioners have lived this Law of Christ.

For a century parishioners have had a great love and respect for the Pope. Today, when the very life of the parish is threatened by the use of the Church’s Canon Law, they draw courage from the words of Pope John Paul II written to introduce the new Code of Canon Law and place it in perspective. He wrote, “It appears sufficiently clear that the Code is in no way intended as a substitute for faith, grace, charisms, and especially charity in the life of the Church and the faithful.” The present Archbishop’s intention to suppress St. Peter Parish by using Canon Law is seen as a substitute for charity in the life of the Church. It would violate the teaching of Pope John Paul II. Parishioners look to Pope John Paul for “justice based upon charity” to save their parish.

Since Vatican Council II Parishioners are encouraged by its emphasis on the dignity of lay people, on their equality and infinite value in the sight of God. The Council teaches, “all the faithful enjoy a true equality with regard to the building up of the body of Christ.” (L.G. #32)

Archbishop O’Malley was kind enough to come to St. Peter Church to say Mass on the feast of the Birthday of Mary. A beautiful liturgy and reception were prepared. Some 400 parishioners came, feeling like the one lost sheep of the Gospel, abandoned by their shepherd, marked for suppression. They came wearing buttons, “Save St. Peter Lithuanian Parish.” This was the big issue on their minds. The Archbishop chose to address this issue with a ---“Great Silence.” Did the Archbishop come like Jesus, the Good Shepherd in search of the lost sheep, radiating God’s love, anxious to know his sheep? Is he going to carry the lost sheep back to the flock on his shoulders like the Good Shepherd? We don’t know. Time will tell.

The Archbishop encouraged parishioners to imitate Mary’s response to the archangel who announced she would be the mother of God. Mary responded with a generous Yes! At the beginning of the last century it was lay people establishing St. Peter Parish who spoke a resounding “Yes” to God’s call. At the beginning of this new century of Parish life it is lay people, leaders and supporters, who come forward as “Friends of St. Peter Lithuanian Parish.” They too speak a resounding “Yes” to God’s call to save the parish.

Mary’s example is not only for laity, but for clergy and bishops as well. All must speak a resounding “Yes” to God’s word spoken by Jesus; a resounding “Yes” to God’s word taught by the Second Vatican Council; a resounding “Yes” to the word of God proclaimed by our Holy Father, Pope John Paul II. St. Peter Parish will be saved by fidelity to Christ, fidelity to the Pope, fidelity to the Second Vatican Council not only by parishioners, but especially by archdiocesan leaders.

This is the Church of Christ for which Lithuania’s martyrs suffered and died. This is the Church for which St. Peter Lithuanian Parishioners have lived and sacrificed. This is the Church of Christ to which we pledge our faith and love as we cross the threshold into the second century of St. Peter Lithuanian Parish life.

09-12-04 Sv. Petro Parapija Simta Metu Jubiliejiaus Misios


Šiandien džaugiames švesdami 100 metu šv. Petro Lietuviu Parapijos gyvavimo Jubilieju. Bažnycios prieangyje yra prisiminimo kampelis, kur kabo trys lenteles. Viena gerbia ta Jubilieju. Išvardina visus klebonus, vikarus, ir mokyklos direktores. Antra gerbia visus kunigo Abracinsko bažnycios remontui aukotojus prieš penkiasdešimt metus. Trecia gerbia aukotojus paskutiniam remontui prelato Kontauto laikais. Ypatingai dekojame kunigui Steponui Žiukui už jo pasišventusi klebonavima šiuo skaudu parapijos istorijos laiku.
Su malonu prisimename prelata Virmauski, kurs isteige parapijos mokykla, kurs asmeniškai garantavo butus ir darbus su virš dviem šimtam tremtiniams po antro pasaulinio karo. Prisimenam kuniga Baltrušuna, kurs išlaike vieninga parapija sunku laiku. Prisimename vikarus, seseles vienuoles, parapiecius, organizacijas, kurios pasiaukojo dirbti Dievo ir artimo meiles darbus, ir isijunge i Lietuvos išlaisvinimo kova.
Pries penkiasdešimt metu Dr. Petras ir Prane Kalades su talkininkais isijunge i Maldos Žygi Lietuvos išlaisvinimui. Igyjo Nekalciausios Marijos Širdies statula Italijoj. Popiežius pašventino. Buvo atvežta i Šv. Petro bažnycia. Iš cia pradejo Maldos Žygi keliaudama per visas lietuviu parapijas Amerikoj, Kanadoj, ir kai kur Pietu Amerikoj lydima vyskupo Baltakio. Atvežta i Lietuva, Šiluvoje Popiežius Jonas Paulius apvainikavo Marijos statula. Dave jai misija aplankyti Lietuvos parapijas jungiant lietuviu širdis maldoje Lietuvoje ir Amerikoje.
Šiandien meldžiames, kad Marija, išmeldžiusi laisve Lietuvai, išmelstu išlasivinima nuo mirties pavojaus, kurs gresia šv. Petro Lietuviu Parapijai Bostone. Žengiant i nauja parapijos gyvenimo šimtmeti, musu mylimai lietuviu parapijai linkime “Ilgiausiu Metu.”